Established 2003 | 501C3
Established 2003 | 501C3
The OSEP | PBIS & Responsive Classroom
PBIS was created with the support of The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and The Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
These agencies provide resources to help schools identify, adopt, and sustain effective school wide disciplinary practices. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, also known as PBIS is model for offering a wide range of systemic and personalized strategies for securing important academic and behavior outcomes in schools, while working to prevent problematic behavior.
The Responsive Classroom approach is a research-based approach to teaching that offers elementary schools practical strategies for bringing together social and academic learning throughout the school day. Although this approach was designed with elementary schools in mind, GRAAFICS uses it's own version of this accredited approach in our design for middle and high schools.
When school leaders choose this model as an inclusion in their package, GRAAFICS mobilizes a school support team that is made up of that school's most outstanding teachers, staff, faculty, parents and students and then we customize a program that will empower universal support because it was inclusively built with a universal vision.
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