For principals interested in expert training for their staff, GRAAFICS offers a full line of staff training, seminars and workshops specifically designed to empower staffs with the tools and techniques needed to effectively handle the most challenging school environments and situations.
Our 5 session staff training program is one that offers your staff a certified GRAAFICS trainer between the hours of 3:30 pm thru 5:30 pm once per day for one full week. This trainer is assigned to your school for the full week. Your schools staff training package will include:
- Day One: 2 Hours: Why Are You Teaching: A Look Back At Why You REALLY Chose This Profession, Is It What You Thought It Would Be And If Not How To Make It What You Dreamed It Would Be
- Day Two: 2 Hours: Respect: Your Student Are NOT Your Friends, Maybe THIS Is The Answer To Your Why’s
- Day Three: 2 Hours: Respect: Establish It First… Then Teach
- Day Four: 2 Hours: Outcomes NOT Inputs: How To Engage, Challenge, Follow Up And Hold Accountable
- Day Five: 2 Hours: Bullying: How To Recognize The Bully, The Bullied And What Happens When The Smallest Incidents Aren’t Addressed
- Half Hour Video Testimonial: Hear from another school Principal- ‘What GRAAFICS has done for my staff’
- Part II: Our 5 additional sessions are ones that offers your staff a continued support. Designed to take them that extra mile, those trainings will include:
- Day Six: 2 Hours: Establishing REAL Parental Relationships: It Begins At Home And So Should You
- Day Seven: 2 Hours: Respect: When Students See You NOT Respecting Your Principal, Asst. Principal, Dean and/or Your Lesson Plan… They WONT Respect You
- Day Eight: 2 Hours: Work Your Resources: You’re an Alumni To A Great College, You Have Friends That Have Great Jobs, You Belong To A Great Religious Institution, You Have A HUGE Network That Can REALLY Help You… Use It.
- Day Nine: 2 Hours: Role Playing: A Refresher To Days #1 thru #9 In Action
- Day Ten: 2 Hours: Time For Some Action: Establishing A Written Action Plan For The Rest Of Your Year And How to Stick To It.
Immediately following all staff trainings, it is a requirement that each school’s principal sit through a ½ hour video testimonial in which will be placed on the GRAAFICS website for review.